Social Media Agency Sussex | Chillibyte
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Our Approach to Social Media Marketing


Companies worldwide know that social media marketing should be included in their business strategy. But often, platforms started in-house run dry after a while as meetings and deadlines get between you and those neglected platforms.


We have created platforms from scratch for clients, and provided social media masterclasses to allow them to take control of their platforms. Clients who already have an established following have come to us seeking unique monthly content schedules and others don’t have the time to maintain and grow their channel, resulting in us taking over complete account management.


What is unique about our social media offering is that we tailor solely to the client. There are no packages or pre-determined allocations. We simply carry out a social media audit and recommend a bespoke strategy with client goals in mind.

Chillibyte have far exceeded our expectations and delivered impressive results through their knowledgeable, and thoroughly professional approach to SEO.

                MBI International 

Social Media Training


Don’t know your hashtag from a pin? Or want to post on your wall but aren’t sure how? Even for those who use social media platforms on a personal level, undergoing social media training for specific platforms can help untangle the web of acronyms, and expressions.


Each social media platform has unique qualities and features, which lend themselves to certain businesses. We will take you through a masterclass so that you have a handle on the basics, and also impart some tips and tricks to make things easier.


Just as importantly, however, it allows us to gain a full understanding of your vertical. We look at how your site stands in comparison to your competitors, and what techniques the top-ranking sites in your market are doing right.


We then start your campaign fully-armed with all the necessary information to generate positive results as swiftly (and safely) as possible.

No Minimum Terms. Your Peace of Mind.


Social Media Handholding


Sometimes, both fledgling platform users and dominant social aficionados can benefit from social handholding. This concept is exclusive to us, and is created in regards to client requirements. If you don’t have time to schedule fresh daily content, want to get your new platform off the ground, or want to increase traffic to your website, we can work alongside the client to supplement their content across a multitude of platforms.


Full Social Media Management


We are your voice, eyes, and ears across your social media platforms. Armed with an approved strategy, creative content, and an advertising budget (it’s very handy), we ensure your social communities are looked after seven days a week Your social media manager will be easily accessible to answer any questions, schedule hot-off-the-press company news, or to simply tell you of successes. Full social media management is completely flexible and scalable as we know that businesses come in all shapes and sizes.

Lets us take a “no obligation” review of your Social Strategy


Social Media Advertising


Depending on campaign goals, setting aside budget for paid social advertising can be extremely beneficial. With goals such as follower growth, local awareness, and clicks to website, the options are endless when it comes to spending advertising budgets with maximum impact and return.

What Our Clients Say